Services at St Nicholas, Wrea Green, St Matthew, Ballam, and St Michael's, Weeton - July 2024

July's Services

Thursday 4th St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion

Sunday 7th   St Nicholas - 9:30am - Holy Communion

Trinity 6         St Matthew - 11:00am - Holy Communion

                           St Michael - 11:00am - Morning Prayer

Thursday 11th   St Nicholas -10:30am - Holy Communion

Sunday 14th  St Nicholas - 9:30am - Holy Communion

Trinity 7         St Michael - 11:00am - Holy Communion

Thursday 18th  St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion

Sunday 21st   St Nicholas - 9:30am - Service of the Word

Trinity 8          St Matthew - 11:00am - Holy Communion

                            St Michael - 11:00am - Morning Prayer

Thursday 25th   St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion

Sunday 28th  St Nicholas - 9:30am - Holy Communion

Trinity 9         St Michael - 11:00am - Holy Communion

Thursday 1st August  St Nicholas - 10:30am - Holy Communion